Richland County Council
Development & Services Committee

Buddy Meetze

Susan Brill

Bernice Scott, Chair

Greg Pearce

Thelma Tillis

District 1

District 9

District 10

District 6

District 3

Tuesday, October 24, 2000, 5:00 p.m.

Report of Actions

Call to Order - Bernice Scott, Committee Chair, called the meeting to order.

Approval of Minutes - The minutes of the September 26, 2000 Regular Session Meeting were approved as submitted.

Adoption of Agenda - The agenda was approved as submitted

Items for Action - Items A, B, C, D, H, I, J, K, L, and M were placed on the consent agenda.

  1. Amendment to the Richland County Code: Deletion of "Facilities" in Rural Zones - The Committee recommended that Council approve first reading of an amendment to the text of the zoning ordinance by deleting "facilities" as a permitted use in rural (RU) zoning districts.
  2. Amendment to the Richland County Code: Buildings / Lots to Have Access - The Committee recommended that Council approve first reading of an amendment to the zoning ordinance to require buildable lots to have access to a public or private roadway or a recorded ingress and egress easement.
  3. Amendment to the Richland County Code: Plats Exempt from Commission Review - The Committee recommended that Council approve first reading of an amendment to the text of the County’s land development regulations to add a new section that will exempt minor subdivisions from Planning Commission review and authorize the Planning Director to approve such subdivisions.
  4. Amendment to the Richland County Code: Continuation of Zoning Applications - The Committee recommended that Council approve first reading of an amendment to the text of the zoning ordinance to allow the Zoning Administrator to continue zoning applications to a later public hearing or meeting for good cause.
  5. Amendment to the Richland County Code: Classification of Mobile Homes - The Committee recommended that Council deny approval of this request.
  6. Amendment to the Richland County Code: Storm Water Management - The Committee deferred this item until the November 28, 2000 Committee meeting.
  7. Approval to Proceed with Greenleaf Drainage Project - The Committee deferred this item to allow for more time to better understand the concerns of residents in the area.
  8. Budget Amendment: Broad River Regional Enterprise Fund - The Committee recommended that Council approve first reading of a budget amendment in the amount of $1,200,000.00 to the Utilities and Services budget to provide for land acquisition and engineering expenses associated with the upgrade to the Broad River Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant
  9. Richland County Landfill Redesign of Phase IV - The Committee recommended that Council approve the redesign of Phase IV of the Richland County landfill from a municipal solid waste landfill to a construction and debris landfill.
  10. Increase in Tipping Fee for Waste Management Landfill - The Committee forwarded this item to Council and recommended that it be received as information.
  11. Increase in Solid Waste Tire Disposal Fee - The Committee recommended that Council approve an increase in the Whitaker Container Service Contract from $92.50 per ton to $97.50 per ton and approve first reading of a budget amendment in the amount of $51,250.00 to the Solid Waste budget to fund this and the previously approved increase.
  12. Contract Renewals for Solid Waste - The Committee recommended that Council approve the following contract renewals for Solid Waste:

    1. Whitaker Container To remove C&D from Mr. Bunky’s $300,000.00
    2. Paperstock Dealers Separation of Recyclables $153,000.00
    3. Loveless & Loveless To accept C&D from County haulers $190,000.00
    4. Amick Equipment Co. To supply roll carts to the County $230,000.00
    5. Nesco To monitor wells at RC Landfill $35,000.00

  1. Approval of Regional Transit Authority Agreement - The Committee recommended that Council approve an agreement to participate in the Central Midlands Regional Transit Authority.

Items Pending Analysis

  1. Citizen Complaints about Genesis Cable Company - The Committee was informed that Benchmark had been sent a letter requesting additional time to address residents’ concerns before the transfer to Adelphia takes place.
  2. Petition to Close Vahalla Road - The Committee was informed that the EMS report had been received and that staff was awaiting a traffic study to be completed before returning the item to Committee.

Items for Information / Discussion

  1. Impact of the Closing of the City of Columbia Landfill – The Committee received this report as information.


Staffed by Ash Miller